jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

Today I'm talking about one photograph that I took in february. I don't remember the date exactly.
This photograph was took in "Festival de Viña del mar". In the Simple Red's concert, Its a great group!!.
This picture shows a moment of the concert, in there appears the vocalist Mick Hucknall. Mmm the picture it's doesn't look very well, I'm soo sorry.
I went to the concert with my older sister, María José. The concert started at 9:30 pm. until around 11:00 pm.
The group sang their best songs. All of the people sang each one of the song of the group.
When the group finished singing, all the people shouted and asked to continue singing. But, they didn't return to the stage. We was very angry. So, everyone shouted a lot, we make a lot of noise, and disturb the show of the other artists.

I like this photograph because I remember a great concert, and a good time whit my sister. It was a very enjoyable and entertaining moment.

That's all.


Enjoy this weekend :P

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

I see you again, this time show's one page very interesting for me. It's about different topics of health. But, the principal topic for me, is the autism.
In one class of psychology we have to do a homework, and the autism is theme we chose with some friends.
The web site it's: http://www.creces.cl/new/index.asp?tc=1&nc=21&tit=
I found the last weekend when looking information for this homework, is very interesting site. There are much information of this theme and others important theme.
This web site is Chilean, and is a very good page. This site is useful for all people, because one learn of diferente themes. And use a language easily.
There are differents articles about autism, like causes of this, genetic and others. Explain this disorder and the complications they have this sick.
Is a very difficult sick, for the children and the family. Requiere much force psychological for improving.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

Hi! my favorite article technology is my MP4, is the same that the picture but my is white, is very nice, thin and useful. I love my mp4!
I can hear all of music their a like, keep all my favorites photos and videos of my favorite artists.
I got the mp4 since 2006, is a gift from my grandmother when I graduated from college.

I use when I travel; by bus from my house in Curicó to santiago or from Santiago to Curicó. And in general every time that I travel. I Like because that my trip is much fun.

Without my mp4 my trip would be very boring, sad and long long trip.
The music is very entertaining and relaxing for me, for that I don't change for anything my mp4.

I love very much my Mp4, without it I would be very sad. If that will lost or stolen I would be the worst in the world. It is essential to my life. So yeah for my mp4!!!

My name is Claudia Hernández.
I'm on the third year of a career, psychology.
My English level is three, as it says my blog. The truth is that I am not very good in English, I can understand what I hear, but I can 't write or speak. I suffer so much in this class.
I suppose that english helps me a lot in my career so I have the willingness and courage to learn.
I think that is all.
so good bye!!!!