viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009

Hi! here we are again. Today I will talk about mi future :P
In five years more I look work in area of psychology that I like, forensic. I look workin in this area and help to the victims adn witnesses. And I hope I can study while work. I will like learn more and more for be a good professional.

I hope be happy and I want to feel realized with my work. I want to feel that I help to persons they need, and contribute for a good justice. I hope to be with my family and friends, and traveling for many places with my friends and I hope too with my boyfriend.
I would like to continue living in Santiago,for the reason that I will like continue my studies. But I don't think that I lives in this city for many years more, the true is I detest Santiago. I like smaller cities. After a few cours of perfection I will like to move to another city. And I hope in about ten years more I have a family, and I don't like Santiago for my future children. It's a ugly city. That is my idea of my future. I hope continue my studies and then to move to another city, I think that city is Curicó. And I hope that my relationship with my boyfriend continues, and I hope that my parents are in good health. This is my ideal future.
bye, bye!!!
Enjoy this long weekend

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

Who is the best in your field?

This is a difficult question. I don’t know who is the best. Psychology is one area very complex. I think I could talk about one theory and who write about them. I chose write about Attachment Theory by Psychologist John Bowlby, is very interesting and important theory, for understand a lot of problems in life of the children when turn into adults. This happens because certain relations are bad and turn into chronic problems into the adult life. For that is important pay attention, study, analyze the early care that child receives.
Bowlby discribe Attachment like an emotional bond to another person, is a "lasting psychological connectedness between human beings". Bowlby believed that the earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers have a tremendous impact that continues throughout life. According to Bowlby, attachment also serves to keep the infant close to the mother, thus improving the child's chances of survival.
The central theme of attachment theory is that mothers who are available and responsive to their infant's needs establish a sense of security. The infant knows that the caregiver is dependable, which creates a secure base for the child to then explore the world.

I hope that you find interesting also this theory.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Hi! here we go again.
Today I'm talking about a theme that I very like, my beatiful career: Psychology.I’m in the third grade of career of psychology, in the University of Chile, the best university of the city :DI love my career because I learn about different themes that are very interesting, like human behavior, theories of attachment, and different disorders.And this knowing I can help to the people in their problems, and I can give them tools to learn confront the problems of the life. That is the principal reason because studing psychology. For help all the people that needed and help to get a better quality of life. That is my reason.I think that psychology contributed in society in study about that things affects society and as it seeks to resolve this things. This professional is trying to do their best to help people be better psychologically and their have better mental health in order to interact with other people.A psychologist needs a lot of knowledge about human behavior, and much tolerance with a different idea, and much patience, and much love what for that does. My favourite subject is Psychology forensic is an area that complements law and psychology, the themes taht look are: crime, violence, young offenders, the victim and the victimizer, and more. This is a very interesting subject, is an area where I would like to work in the future.