martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

Money issues!!!

Today I will talk about money issues. When I have money I try to save for the summer or for any unforeseen, but the true is almost never happens because I can’t save money because always I spend it in clothes, shoes or anything else. Sometimes I am a real shopaholic so I can’t save money, is very difficult for me. Sometime, my family borrow money and they always pay me back, although sometimes one of them forget who owes me money. So, I remind them, because clear accounts keep the friendship. Sometimes I have to borrow money from my mother, most of the time I'll pay back, other times she gives me the money. My mother is very nice. Sometimes I have to borrow money to some friends, but is little money, and always pay back them in short time, because I don’t like owes money.
I very like to manage money, is very exciting and with my own money I don’t have to borrow to my parents every time. With my money I can buy the things I like and go out with my friends, to the cinema, to eat out, dancing, and more fun things.
My bills I pay in “Servipag”, this is a place where you can pay all your bill, in this way I don’t lost time because I don’t have to go to different places to pay my bills, I can pay in one place all bills. Is very good this place, this has made my life easier.
I think that all schools should teach how to manage money, and not only the public schools, and this is not a responsibility exclusive of parents is everyone's responsibility.
I don’t use banks because to leave money in the bank charge a lot of commission, at least for me that I do not have a salary every month. And is little interest for have the money in the bank, is a really a big business and the beneficiary is not one; the people that we have money in bank.
Well, I think these are all. So, I see you soon in the next blog.

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

My Faculty

Hi! Here we are again after a few weeks.
In this opportunity I will talk about some issues of the Faculty of psychology.
The Faculty presents some problems like: classrooms are small, the casino is very small, and there are two microwaves for a lot of students, so it take us several minutes to warm the lunch, sometimes the time we have left to eat is half an hour, so we have to eat very fast. Also, sometimes we have to wait for one table where can eat.
I believe the things to need the Faculty to improvement is the things that I describe recently, but also, like students we need a better library, we need a place where we can to study in silence, because in library in general there are much noise. Some students occupy the library to work, then there are not silence for study and read in peace.
The first thing that I would do is expand casino, and put more microwave for to decrease the waiting time to heat the food and we eat with more calm and not rushing, for to get to class on time.
The second thing, if the faculty has no money to buy air conditioning, because air in the spring and summer is very heavy in all classroom, especially because we are many in a small space, this has implications on our level of concentration during classes.
The third thing I would do would be to allocate a space where they can do the work and studies in groups, so only used the library to study and read in silence and tranquility.
With these measures all students would benefit, because this means improving the conditions under which we are embedded in the Faculty and that somehow this impact on our studies.

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2009

Last week a friend said me that she would come to Santiago in a few days. But, this is a big problem for me, because she comes for a few days, to see the city, and I know almost nothing about this city, so I don’t know places where to go with her. Because, I am not originally of Santiago, I live here for three years.
My friend will get to the terminal of buses, and in this place I will wait it. And then, we go to the “San Cristobal” hill. This place is very near of my apartment. So, the first thing we will do, leave bags in my apartment and then we will walk until the hill. This It’s a very beautiful place, with airy gondolas and, I prepared some food for a picnic and like this we will enjoy the spring, the green areas, and the wonderful view from the hill.
Then, we will go through the exit Pedro de Valdivia, thus we will walk for the immense park in direction to “los leones”, this is a commercial sector. We will go into the shops, and we'll try some clothes and probably we will buy something.
Then, we will take TranSantiago for arrive to Alameda, very close of my apartment. But, before to go home, we will go to “Fuente Alemana”, for the evening meal. In this place, serving the most big and delicious sandwich.
Then, we will go to home and we will see t.v., and later we will go to sleep, and tomorrow is another day, so tomorrow I will think in other places we will can to visit.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Today I'm talking about my hobbies. I like to do many things.
I like to read, not only the texts of the university, I like to read novels but, for time I cant read very often. In general is in vacation when I can read different things, different things of the texts of my career. The last book that I read was “El niño del pajama a ralla”, in vacation, two weeks ago.
The other thing that I like to do is watch setcom and movies, of different type, like action, drama, romantic and comedy. Usually I see the setcome alone or a few times with my sister or my mother, but only sometimes. But, the movies I watch with my boyfriend, we go to the cinema or buy a movie and something good to eat in home. Sometimes, when we are in Curicó we see the films with my father, my sister and her boyfriend, all together, but not always. A my mother doesn't like to see movies, she gets bored. And, also I like to see films with my friends on vacation, because is only in this time when we are all in Curicó.
I like to ride to bike, but not in winter, because I don’t like to go out with the cold. So I prefer to go on in summer, with a friends or my boyfriend, I don`t like to go alone.
And recently I like to cook, in this year I have learned to cook lots of things rich.
Well, I think these are all my hobbies.
So, I see you soon in the next blog.

martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

I don’t know specific how was the Transport public in Santiago because I didn’t live here in those years. I came here just in the time where the Transantiago beginning. But, I think that transantiago is better for the students, because before the buses doesn’t stop for the students and now the transport is more secure because only to get started when the doors are closed. And this, there are less accidents. And the other thing that is very good is the way how pay, because with the "Beep" is less to be assaulted, not only for passengers but also for the driver, before that this system the driver was assaulted a lot of times, on the thieves keep with all the money that driver works. So, for these things I believe that this system is better than the other. My experience in this transport is good, after all nothing is perfect: DBut, I really think that now it is a good system, thanks to changes that it has had. Now, the buses happen more often, there are more buses that go to all places, in contrast to the first months of begin this new system. One of the changes that I would be direct toward the public that used the buses, I educate of them about how use correctly this system, for avoid that they takes the bus without pay. And, also increase the number of buses especially in some sectors that have more users. And I would get better working conditions and hygienic health of drivers, because sometimes they don’t have a bathroom in all day or a place to rest.

martes, 11 de agosto de 2009

Hi! here we are again. In this opportunity I will talk about my experience during my first semester.
In the last semester, I learn about five different areas of psychology: communitary, clinic, education, psychology of work and forensic. Each one is was very interesting and important for me, but the last one is the area that more I liked. In this area I have learned about: criminal theories, the victims and the young infractores. And I have learned about public policy and the strengths and weaknesses of the judiciary in relation to victims and the accused.

The challenges in the last semester were to organize my time for a lot of homework and the tests of university, so that I could have time for myself.
The University isn’t all in my life, and for this I enjoy my free time, I love watch many movie, in the cinema or in my house, but always with someone else, as my boyfriend, my friends or my family, but never alone. I also love see a lot of T.V. series, comedy or drama, I like all.
I like to ride my bike, but not in days very cold. And I like go out for eat or take a drink with my boyfriend or my friends.
I think that's all for today.

sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

My ideal job is where then I can work on things that relate to what I'm studying. The ideal job is one in that I can to enjoy what I do. Ideally I do can work in a place that is involved with children and adolescents who are at risk, either because their rights have been violated or because ther have violated some laws. Wish I could work in order to help them fit into society and give them the resources needed to cope to the society.

For this work I woul be need tolerance, basic knowledge of child development and adolescents, know about the best treatment to suit the needs of all and that adapt to the needs of each child adolescents or knowing about those tools and techniques in that help in her development.

I think I it might be good at this job because I think take some tools to work properly in a place like this, because I am interested in this area and I think I can work completely dedicated with enthusiasm and give the best of me, and not just stay in the theoretical part, but also will work as humanly possible, considering the other and not always working so that from my position and my knowledge I do believe it's the right thing.
I imagine finding this work is such hard like must be equally difficult to the other young people to finding work in areas as difficult like psychology.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

My Experience with blogs

Hi! This time I will write about my experience as blogger. This activity was a different and interesting experience, because I never had a blog, much less in English. This activity, I opnened the door to a new way to communicate and express themes that are of my particular interest, as it relates to my career.

Throughout this semester I've written about 8 different time, like describe my favorite photography, what I would be doing in five years more, my career and the most visited web site for issues related to psychology, and more much.

This is eleventh time that I write. I had enjoy write this blogs because I written about interesting themes for me, and has helped me with my English, articulate sentences and paragraphs with a sense more or less understandable. With this tool I can write and make myself understood by others in this language is so difficult for me. So for this reason is that I believe has helped me with my English on how to write, because there are still other areas of English, such as be able to speak it is even difficult for me. I think that the advantages of the blog is helping us to practice grammar, writing and comprehension and ability to articulate sentences and paragraphs with sense, as we are asked to develop in each blog. Among the disadvantages, it is possible to mention that by focusing each week sessions in blog is left out other important issues related to learning English, as is being able to hear and speak the language.

That would be all I can share with you about my experience to write this blog during the semester. See you again in the final blog next week.
Bye. until the next blog!

sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

About creativity in our education system...

In Sir Ken Robinson’s conference he talks about the importance of creativity in the tradicional educación, especially considering that we live in a global society, where every time is more necessary to have professionals capable of giving integral solution to problems.

Robinson says that we are all born creative and is the environment that corrupt us, instilling fear of misunderstanding, to be part of a society based on success and punishes failure. Educated like that, the children have afraid to make mistakes, to not meet expectations and will never do anything creative or original.

The speaker, calls to give equal importance to subjects like music and art as language and mathematics, even mixed together, since it is proven that children learn more if they use both hemispheres of the brain.

You are in the twenty-first century and education must be responsive to changes in society. "The greatest gift to humanity is the intelligence, then we must discover the care and use of it. The only way to do that is to give our skills the real importance and giving the children a chance to develop them. We will not see the future, but they will, and they must be prepared to live in a world that will require creative and integral solutions.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

Favourite Subject

Hi! In this opportunity I will talk about my favorite subject: Forensic psychology.
This subject has a few years of development in Chile.
This is my first year in this class, but I hope the next semester I will be able to take more classes about this subject.

In this area I have learned about: criminal theories, the victims and the young infranctores. And I have learned about public policy and the strengths and weaknesses of the judiciary in relation to victims and the accused.
I hope in the next semesters I will be able to learn about many things more. Because, I really like Forensic psychology. I think that forensic psychology has a poor development, and need much more investigation and more professionals working on it.
This class is taught by three teachers, Carolina Villagra, Elías Escaff and Svenska Arensburg. This is a very good group of teachers.

In the Forensic psychology is so much we can deliver to society and victims of various crimes. It is very important to develop and work more on it.
That's all.

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009

Hi! here we are again. Today I will talk about mi future :P
In five years more I look work in area of psychology that I like, forensic. I look workin in this area and help to the victims adn witnesses. And I hope I can study while work. I will like learn more and more for be a good professional.

I hope be happy and I want to feel realized with my work. I want to feel that I help to persons they need, and contribute for a good justice. I hope to be with my family and friends, and traveling for many places with my friends and I hope too with my boyfriend.
I would like to continue living in Santiago,for the reason that I will like continue my studies. But I don't think that I lives in this city for many years more, the true is I detest Santiago. I like smaller cities. After a few cours of perfection I will like to move to another city. And I hope in about ten years more I have a family, and I don't like Santiago for my future children. It's a ugly city. That is my idea of my future. I hope continue my studies and then to move to another city, I think that city is Curicó. And I hope that my relationship with my boyfriend continues, and I hope that my parents are in good health. This is my ideal future.
bye, bye!!!
Enjoy this long weekend

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2009

Who is the best in your field?

This is a difficult question. I don’t know who is the best. Psychology is one area very complex. I think I could talk about one theory and who write about them. I chose write about Attachment Theory by Psychologist John Bowlby, is very interesting and important theory, for understand a lot of problems in life of the children when turn into adults. This happens because certain relations are bad and turn into chronic problems into the adult life. For that is important pay attention, study, analyze the early care that child receives.
Bowlby discribe Attachment like an emotional bond to another person, is a "lasting psychological connectedness between human beings". Bowlby believed that the earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers have a tremendous impact that continues throughout life. According to Bowlby, attachment also serves to keep the infant close to the mother, thus improving the child's chances of survival.
The central theme of attachment theory is that mothers who are available and responsive to their infant's needs establish a sense of security. The infant knows that the caregiver is dependable, which creates a secure base for the child to then explore the world.

I hope that you find interesting also this theory.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Hi! here we go again.
Today I'm talking about a theme that I very like, my beatiful career: Psychology.I’m in the third grade of career of psychology, in the University of Chile, the best university of the city :DI love my career because I learn about different themes that are very interesting, like human behavior, theories of attachment, and different disorders.And this knowing I can help to the people in their problems, and I can give them tools to learn confront the problems of the life. That is the principal reason because studing psychology. For help all the people that needed and help to get a better quality of life. That is my reason.I think that psychology contributed in society in study about that things affects society and as it seeks to resolve this things. This professional is trying to do their best to help people be better psychologically and their have better mental health in order to interact with other people.A psychologist needs a lot of knowledge about human behavior, and much tolerance with a different idea, and much patience, and much love what for that does. My favourite subject is Psychology forensic is an area that complements law and psychology, the themes taht look are: crime, violence, young offenders, the victim and the victimizer, and more. This is a very interesting subject, is an area where I would like to work in the future.

jueves, 30 de abril de 2009

Today I'm talking about one photograph that I took in february. I don't remember the date exactly.
This photograph was took in "Festival de Viña del mar". In the Simple Red's concert, Its a great group!!.
This picture shows a moment of the concert, in there appears the vocalist Mick Hucknall. Mmm the picture it's doesn't look very well, I'm soo sorry.
I went to the concert with my older sister, María José. The concert started at 9:30 pm. until around 11:00 pm.
The group sang their best songs. All of the people sang each one of the song of the group.
When the group finished singing, all the people shouted and asked to continue singing. But, they didn't return to the stage. We was very angry. So, everyone shouted a lot, we make a lot of noise, and disturb the show of the other artists.

I like this photograph because I remember a great concert, and a good time whit my sister. It was a very enjoyable and entertaining moment.

That's all.


Enjoy this weekend :P

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

I see you again, this time show's one page very interesting for me. It's about different topics of health. But, the principal topic for me, is the autism.
In one class of psychology we have to do a homework, and the autism is theme we chose with some friends.
The web site it's:
I found the last weekend when looking information for this homework, is very interesting site. There are much information of this theme and others important theme.
This web site is Chilean, and is a very good page. This site is useful for all people, because one learn of diferente themes. And use a language easily.
There are differents articles about autism, like causes of this, genetic and others. Explain this disorder and the complications they have this sick.
Is a very difficult sick, for the children and the family. Requiere much force psychological for improving.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

Hi! my favorite article technology is my MP4, is the same that the picture but my is white, is very nice, thin and useful. I love my mp4!
I can hear all of music their a like, keep all my favorites photos and videos of my favorite artists.
I got the mp4 since 2006, is a gift from my grandmother when I graduated from college.

I use when I travel; by bus from my house in Curicó to santiago or from Santiago to Curicó. And in general every time that I travel. I Like because that my trip is much fun.

Without my mp4 my trip would be very boring, sad and long long trip.
The music is very entertaining and relaxing for me, for that I don't change for anything my mp4.

I love very much my Mp4, without it I would be very sad. If that will lost or stolen I would be the worst in the world. It is essential to my life. So yeah for my mp4!!!

My name is Claudia Hernández.
I'm on the third year of a career, psychology.
My English level is three, as it says my blog. The truth is that I am not very good in English, I can understand what I hear, but I can 't write or speak. I suffer so much in this class.
I suppose that english helps me a lot in my career so I have the willingness and courage to learn.
I think that is all.
so good bye!!!!